

The Lacquer Legion - Lucky

Hi there!!!

Another month has passed and it is Lacquer Legion time again!

This month the theme is Lucky... I guess everybody will interpret this differently. For me, it is a little different...

First of all, this is my first Dior polish. I try to stay away from high-end polishes. Mostly because I can't afford them... :D I own a few Chanels, 3 to be exact.... And I bought my first Dior after seeing the Spring Collection!

Honestly, I fell for the color first. It is a gorgeous baby blue, perfect for spring... Formula is tricky. First coat was streaky, second coat was better. I could have applied a third coat, but since I was planning on stamping it, I went with two coats.

And then, I used my Winstonia W111 plate and Barry M Silver for the stamping... Topcoat is Poshe...

And here is the result!

I am #LLlucky to own this polish!!!!

Don't forget to check other #LLlucky manis on socail media!


  1. Wow I really love the blue and silver pairing somehow I this scorching summer it felt so soothing to my eyes that I had to check it out. I wish I owned a dior too but they are really expensive and not even available in India

    1. I really feel your pain. It is also really expensive in Turkey. This is my first Dior and I just wish I could afford more... :)


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