

Essie Naughty Nautical and Zoya Maria Luisa

I have always loved chevron manis. And I have secretly wished I was able to freehand or do tape chevrons... Well, freehand is off the discussion and tape chevrons will be another day's story...

Anyway, one day, my dear friend Michele sent me the Cheeky Happy Nails stamping plate along with some fall Zoya Pixie Dusts... And suddenly, I wanted to make a chevron mani...



Big surprise huh? LOL

Here is the plate that made me realise my dreams...

I can hear you asking, both Pueen and Bundle Monster has chevron designs. Why didn't you use them? I am totally aware of that. But I was admiring the thick, fat chevrons, not the skinny ones... So, you finally get my problem??? :P

Lons story short, today, just before leaving the house, I wanted to use the Essie I just bought. It is Naughty Nautical... It is a gorgeous teal shade with a little hidden silver glass flecks... I used two coats of Naughty Nautical and then I wanted to stamp my new chevron with China Glaze Passion... And like all these were not enough, I used a coat of Zoya Maria Luisa on top...

Well, I have to admit, teal and gold really match, but I "think" this mani is a little crowded... I have to use Naughty Nautical again, but this time on its own... :)

What do you think? It is a go go or a no no ???


  1. I think this looks great! I love these colors together.

  2. I just ordered myself a Cheeky plate set at the end of August and I cannot wait until they arrive! This mani looks great!

    1. Oh, cheeky plates are the best!!!! :)

  3. I love this plate and this Essie is such a gorgeous color and the stamping you did with it just looks AWESOME!


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