

Models Own - Beth's Blue and My Birthday Mani!!!

Today is my birthday!!!!


I have bought a lovely polish for my birthday... It is Models Own Beth's Blue!!! It is a lovely pastel creme baby blue... The formula is a little bit on the thick side. First coat is streaky but if you apply another thick coat, it evens out...

Anyway, if you are following Nailsaurus, you should be familiar with her new trend "Waterfall" mani, which I lovedddd!!!
I tried to copy hers and grabbed my blue polishes and Born Pretty Store thin striper brush... 

And I made thin stripes with different blues... Well, at least I tried to make thin stripes... LOL

Anyway, after all nails were full, I wanted to add some shine. So I took Catherine Arley Holo 676, which is a really sheer grey holo, and topped my nails with it... :)

So, here's the final result...




Annnyway, it is not even close to Sammy's mani but you get the main idea... LOL

I like this design so much, I'll surely try again... Looking at the pictures now, I wish I had made longer stripes... Next time... :)

Here are polishes I used for this mani... :)

So, what do you think? Do you think these nails are birthday material??? 

EDIT: Here are my birthday presents from my daughter and mom!!!


  1. Happy birthday sweetie!! ♥

  2. Happy birthday! I think the mani looks very pretty.

  3. happy birthday :)))

  4. Happy birthday!! Very pretty!!

  5. Geç kaldım birazcık :)
    İyi ki doğmuşsun, doğum günün kutlu olsun :)


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