

Guestblogger - Anja from Sweden

Today I have another awsome guest bloger from Sweden! It is Anja, a gorgeous lady and a lovely friend with to die for nails and elegant designs... ;)

Unfortunately, she does not have a blog! Maybe your comments may encourage her... ;)

Greetings from Sweden!

I’m Anja and got the offer to do a guestblog for Aylin! I’m more than happy with that offer even if I’m more then a bit slow. I’m working all summer long so I’ll just blame that! 😉

I hope your all feeling great and are in the middle of some great holidays! I’m gonna show you a little sweetheart I dug up from my untried stash. It’s been there for quiet some time and I don’t know how I justified that because this one is gorgeous! The brand is GlitterFest and I think this pretty arrived in the early 2012 or late 2011. I’m not 100 % sure. It’s been in my possession for sooo long!

Well, off to the polish! I understood from another blog post I found that it’s a bit sheer and I’m one of those who does not appreciate VNL. With that in mind I used one coat of Orly White Tips as underwear. I let it dry completely before adding two coats of GlitterFests 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney! This is a stunning minty green with small minty green, silver and a touch of light blue qubes. There are also small minty green hexes and microglitter in it! It’s absolutely stunning! But I still wasn’t satisfied. I’m one of those glittery persons, I know there must be some of you here to, am I right? 😊 So I added some baby pink rhine stones and topped it off with one thick coat of Seche Vite. Two on the ring fingers with the stones!

I hope you enjoy this post! Thank you Aylin for the opportunity! 😃

Love, Anja

Thank you Anja! That was a lovely post! I loved your mani... You should totally have a blog and share your lovely manis soon!!!!


  1. Great nails and mani! I am sure if you started a blog you would get lots of followers :)

    1. That's what I told her... :)

    2. LOL! Thanks for your support! Both of you!


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