

Musical Challenge in October

I love challenges... I love the fact that you stick to a programme. I love to do it with friends. I love to share on the same day (even when I cannot keep up sometimes). Best of all, I love how everybody gets different things from the same word.

So, when I read that Mariane from Rainbowify Me is coming up with her own challenge in October, I said; "Count me in".

Honestly, I think this challenge will give me a hard time. It is about music. And unfortunately, I am not familiar with most of the songs. So, I'll have to Google the songs first, and then get inspiration. LOL

Well, long story shor, if you want to join this fun challenge, please visit Rainbowify Me and drop her a line.

Remember, we are starting on October 1st...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you decided to join, and I can't wait to see what you come up with :)


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