

I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!!!

I feel honored to be nominated for Versatile Blogger Award! Thanks to my blogger friend Pretty and Polished Pointers who nominated me.Don't forget to visit her blog for wonderful posts... :)

Here are the Rules!!!
  • Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.
  • Let them know that you have nominated them.
  • Share 7 random facts about yourself.
  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
  • Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post.

Here are my 15....

10. Nailzilla

I'll let them know that they are nominated... :)

And here comes 7 random facts about me... :)

1. I have never worn colorful polish (other than brugundy) before opening the blog... :) I skipped nail polish most of the time... :)
2. Sometimes my daughter picks polish for me. And she has great taste... :)
3. When I buy expensive polish, I feel like my nails are not worth it. So I wait for my nails to be equal length and crack free to put it on... :)
4. I had no idea what Hunger Games was, before China Glaze introduced the polish line... :) But having read it now, I love it...
5. The most I had paid for polish was Chanel Peridot. I haven't tried it on yet, because read number 3 again... :)
6. I love entering giveaways, eventhough I haven't won anything in my life... :)))
7. I spend most of my time reading nail blogs. You guys make the most amazing things... :)

Thank you again Pretty and Polished Pointers.... :)


  1. Thank you so much! Thank you :D

  2. Anonymous3/4/12 22:15

    Thank you so much!
    And number three, I feel the same!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh, wow. Thanks, honey :)

  6. I kept on commenting to this post, last time there was three comments from me, now there is none. :/
    Thanks again, honey.


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